NuSkin offers a wide range of laser treatments. The Picosure laser is an excellent option for skin rejuvenation, wrinkles, and pigmentation.
Picosure’s ultra-short pulses penetrate the skin and break up the pigment particles in sunspots and other discoloration. The body naturally absorbs these broken-up particles, resulting in unwanted discoloration disappearing.
Acne Scars
Acne scars are formed as the body’s natural healing process in response to deep trauma to skin caused by acne. They’re the pitted or raised areas of skin that can occur on any part of the face and body. These scars are different from post acne erythema or hyperpigmentation, which flatten with time.
There are three common types of acne scars: icepick, rolling, and boxcar. Using laser treatments to improve these scars can produce amazing results.
PicoSure Focus laser picosure laser at nuskin uses ultra-short bursts of energy to rejuvenate your skin by breaking up the tough collagen fibers that form your scars. This is done without damaging the surrounding tissue. Your body’s natural healing process then takes over and rebuilds the fresh, healthy-looking skin you deserve.
Depending on your skin type, you may need to prep with skincare products like a topical retinoid or prescription hydroquinone prior to getting laser treatment. This will help reduce inflammation, redness and pigmentation and keep your skin clear and smooth for the duration of your laser treatment.
Age Spots
Age spots, also known as sunspots, appear on the skin where you have had chronic overexposure to sunlight. They can range in size from freckles to more than an inch in diameter and they usually appear in groups on the face or hands. They are the result of over-production of pigment and they can fade with time but can be treated to remove them for cosmetic reasons.
It is important that any changes in the skin, including age spots, be evaluated by a dermatologist. This is particularly true if the spot bleeds, grows in size or appears to have an irregular border as these could be signs of melanoma (a type of skin cancer).
The most common treatment for age spots is using at-home creams and lotions. However, these often require daily use over a period of weeks or months to see results. Treatments by a board-certified dermatologist, such as a laser or chemical peel, tend to work faster and can be more effective.
Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process and can be caused by many things. Some wrinkles are a result of muscle contraction and disappear when the muscles relax. Other wrinkles are a result of changes in the underlying structure of the skin. The deterioration of the collagen, elastin and substances that hold moisture in the upper layer causes the skin to thin, resulting in the formation of folds and lines.
Fine lines are closer to the surface of the skin and can be caused by repetitive facial expressions. These lines become deeper over time and form wrinkles.
There are different treatments that can be used to address wrinkles. Some of these treatments are available at home and can take a few weeks before you see wrinkle improvements. Other treatments are performed in the office and require a local anesthetic, like a facelift or laser skin resurfacing. These procedures take minutes to a few hours.
Skin Tightening
Most people are happy to get rid of wrinkles and discoloration, but would love if they could also tighten their skin. Thankfully, the PicoSure Focus laser can do both with minimal downtime!
This treatment does so by triggering the body’s natural healing process. The microscopic injury created by the laser energy stimulates collagen and elastin production. The results are firmer, younger-looking skin that is less prone to wrinkles and other signs of aging.
In addition to this, the PicoSure laser also improves dyschromia (light and dark color variation) with its 755 nm wavelength. This makes the laser an excellent alternative to Botox and fillers for those that want to minimize their reliance on these expensive and invasive treatments.
Unlike older laser technology, the Cynosure PicoSure uses a “pressure wave” instead of relying on heat energy. This results in fewer side effects and more comfortable treatment sessions. It also speeds up pigmented lesion clearance and tattoo removal due to the pressure waves shattering cells and releasing their dark pigment.